Saturday 4 August 2018

family sf choice

 The scripts to  supercar  well thought   out with  strong characters that   bring   life   to there  world   and far  better  humour  that still  funny   today  then  most comedy that are shown  now not thinking where  are jokes also  catch James  bond  bad  guy  with  master  spay  at right  time  use it in  its humour  like a spoof also try lot diffident things each  week with feeling  they brought something  fresh and new also could run one  more season.  rate:  10/10
children  of the stones  one  those  children  television  never talks down to its  audience  also make you believe it could have happen  also clever way they use music give  you  the  chills rate: 10 
timeslip amazing  show that  plays with diffident out comes of the same year can  you change what is going happen  or not are  you part of  events ends up  clever like  a puzzle  box  using  all main  charterers  life,s from 1940, 1980, 1965,1970 to get right slices to solve it  , plays fear  of cloning  which was world of fiction in 1970 
rate: 10

Monday 6 April 2015

The Lair Of The Zarbi reviw

David Whitaker Doctor Who Script editor  of did good job doing this follow up adventure based on The Web Planet television episode and found clever way talking about TV adventure with out using or refereeing TV companion's  . as for novel  you see below very faithful to the DOCTOR WHO story that was broadcast on BBC TV in 1965.
William Russell brought life to  Lair Of The Zarbi of this short story that first appeared in DOCTOR WHO ANNUAL  at Christmas in 1965

Saturday 13 December 2014

BBC - BBC Arts - A Message from Mars: Britain's first ever sci-fi feature film : reviw

BBC - BBC Arts - A Message from Mars: Britain's first ever sci-fi feature film

 can see what they mean by mars version of Christmas carol has the alien from another world teach a man earthly to be good to there fellow man not be  selfish and do things for others by himself not force too . I love new sound effects  that give life to this silent movie bring  magic to this 100 year old restored done amazing good job of first British  SF film had not been seen since 1913

Sunday 30 November 2014

the pescatons reviw

This is what I call first audio  who adventure that stands on its with amazing sounds still catch my childhood that is pictured well by Tom Baker with his audio book voice makes you listen every moment. The story was written by Victor Pemberton Doctor who script editor in the mid 1960s who wrote The Fury Of The Deep that also deal with creatures from the sea that was Victoria last story . This LP came out in 1976 as it featured new monster that was not in the TV SERES The Pescatons makes it stand on with sound impact of which could never do on TV features Sarah Jane Smith and the 4th DOCTOR played by TOM BAKER ware two of them got find way to defeat shark looking aliens from the plant pescar . some how can hear it again , again  that makes good doctor who adventure