Saturday 13 December 2014

BBC - BBC Arts - A Message from Mars: Britain's first ever sci-fi feature film : reviw

BBC - BBC Arts - A Message from Mars: Britain's first ever sci-fi feature film

 can see what they mean by mars version of Christmas carol has the alien from another world teach a man earthly to be good to there fellow man not be  selfish and do things for others by himself not force too . I love new sound effects  that give life to this silent movie bring  magic to this 100 year old restored done amazing good job of first British  SF film had not been seen since 1913

Sunday 30 November 2014

the pescatons reviw

This is what I call first audio  who adventure that stands on its with amazing sounds still catch my childhood that is pictured well by Tom Baker with his audio book voice makes you listen every moment. The story was written by Victor Pemberton Doctor who script editor in the mid 1960s who wrote The Fury Of The Deep that also deal with creatures from the sea that was Victoria last story . This LP came out in 1976 as it featured new monster that was not in the TV SERES The Pescatons makes it stand on with sound impact of which could never do on TV features Sarah Jane Smith and the 4th DOCTOR played by TOM BAKER ware two of them got find way to defeat shark looking aliens from the plant pescar . some how can hear it again , again  that makes good doctor who adventure

Friday 8 August 2014


it is almost 10 years that retuned to are TV screens with fears wondering the year return of SF and fantasy and brought back the kids fans and got families watching television together but has it lost those kids in 2005 or they still grab by it in 20013 like me grown up by classic WHO from 1970s


Tuesday 5 August 2014

SPACE 1999 ANNUAL strip

This adventure of SPACE 1999 based on TV SERIES CREATED by GERRY ANDERSON that run ITV local stations  in 1973- 75  Two series  

Monday 28 July 2014


This version is taking the path the original  films did not explain why humans died out so quickly  as this one goes a growing nation of genetically lead by Caesar is threatened  by band of human survivors of virus that affect the humans not apes made them clever and violent this set 10 years on  from rise of planet of apes .
found film had scarily moments with the hunting scenes at  beginning am  happy way this film series is going and shows where humans and apes try to get on but its short  lived  with one wrong move it fell apart like a pack of cards could be never ending war.
12 A  film 
Five stars * * * * *

Saturday 19 July 2014

anime choice by DAZ ANDERSON

Highly recommend two great anime shows both have mix adventure and humour GUYVER is superhero  of diffidence and wonder who real monsters are and who to trust . PLANETS a drama that has believable SF that deals with cleaning floating deadly from space also bit of space  soap dealing with peoples lives and fighting there dreams to be who they want to be.
outlaw star is the DVD to watch out this classic is welcome this year soon this summer  with great homer strong charters like treasure  hunters  bounty who are wanted by everyone

Friday 13 June 2014

Sunday 25 May 2014


This book based on the two DALEK  films is a welcome to see full of wonderful new take on the world of DR.WHO .The trial of DR.WHO Story is wonderful set after the events of DALEK INVASION OF EARTH 2150 and explains why TOM  CAMPBELL didn't bump into himself after he left the doctor . The nights of chromos  arrested  DR.WHO thinking TOM CAMPBELL is in time loop  reliving DALEK INVASION EARTH 2150  never got home as Susan explains  the TARDIS Would never land same place and time they  land in parallel timeline that meet two toms running same life's and friends the other didn't take that road where he dint encountered the robbers or wiz off in the TARDIS  to  2150



Wednesday 14 May 2014

who comic classics from 1965

 Something charming about the stories and the artwork of  the Hartnell strips from 1965 that are just wonderful  that make you forget the diffidence's between the TV series  given the Doctor two new grandchildren  that never appear in the TV SERIES   so enjoy and have good summer.