Monday 28 July 2014


This version is taking the path the original  films did not explain why humans died out so quickly  as this one goes a growing nation of genetically lead by Caesar is threatened  by band of human survivors of virus that affect the humans not apes made them clever and violent this set 10 years on  from rise of planet of apes .
found film had scarily moments with the hunting scenes at  beginning am  happy way this film series is going and shows where humans and apes try to get on but its short  lived  with one wrong move it fell apart like a pack of cards could be never ending war.
12 A  film 
Five stars * * * * *

Saturday 19 July 2014

anime choice by DAZ ANDERSON

Highly recommend two great anime shows both have mix adventure and humour GUYVER is superhero  of diffidence and wonder who real monsters are and who to trust . PLANETS a drama that has believable SF that deals with cleaning floating deadly from space also bit of space  soap dealing with peoples lives and fighting there dreams to be who they want to be.
outlaw star is the DVD to watch out this classic is welcome this year soon this summer  with great homer strong charters like treasure  hunters  bounty who are wanted by everyone